42 Annual NHAA Parfitt Juried Photography Exhibit

Back of the Band Stand

Back of the Band Stand

One of my photographs, “Back of the Band Stand”, was selected for the NHAA 42nd Jack Parfitt Open juried Photography Exhibition, “Transitions”, and will be on display at the Robert Levy gallery in Portsmouth, NH from August 5 to August 29. The opening reception takes place on Friday, August 6th, 5-8pm. The juror for this exhibit was Jason Landry, former owner of Panopticon Gallery in Boston and founding director of the MFA in Photography program at the New Hampshire Institute of Art in Manchester.

The image was taken at Hampton Beach Band Stand. The original gazebo band stand was built across from the Casino Ballroom in 1900. It was replaced with a 42-foot-wide Seashell Stage in 1963 which was demolished in 2010 and replaced with the current structure in 2011.

An Iphone with an anamorphic lense attachment was used to take the picture. Anamorphic lenses compress or squeeze a wider field of view on a standard sized film or digital sensor. The image is then de-squeezed or elongated when projected or in post-production. This allows a long landscape view to be obtained on a rectangular film or digital sensor without cropping. These lenses, which are commonly used in the film industry today, produce images with a unique look and are of a higher quality as no area of the film (or pixels on a digital sensor) are lost in cropping.


43rd Annual NHAA Parfitt Juried Photography Exhibit


35th Annual NHAA Omer T. Lassonde Juried Exhibition, “Beyond the Boundaries”